Twelve Boys and a Coach

Twelve Boys and a Coach

Rabbi Yisroel Roll

The Talmud teaches: Difficulty comes into the world only on Israel’s account. Yevamot 63a

What does this mean? Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, war, Chilean miners lost underground, and 12 boys and their coach …

Torah Umesorah presentation

Listen to the Rabbi Yisroel Roll’s Torah Umesorah presentation entitled Believe in Yourself Leadership Training Program: Teaching Self Confidence, Emotional Intelligence and Resilience to Middle and High School Students. You can also click here to download it.…

1861 Kugels

I have been married for 30 years. Every Shabbos and Yom Tov my wife makes the best kugel in the free world—potato, lokshen, sweet and Yerushalmi –she surprises us.  Since there are approximately 50 Shabbosos and 12 days of Yom …

Workshop Testimonial from Dallas

I received this letter, written by Jackie Moskowitz Shafron, after facilitating a workshop in Dallas, Texas. What a powerful testimonial!

Thank you Andi for helping us arrange the Conference Room for Rabbi Roll!  It was a true success…not only did