Yisroel Roll, MS, JD, LCPC-Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor – Maryland, is a psychotherapist in private practice in Baltimore, Maryland, specializes in anxiety relief. He conducts workshops called The Self Confidence Seminar, Baseball and Spirituality, Overcoming Anxiety, Building Children’s Self-Esteem, Teen Esteem and the Self Esteem Diet–A Pathway to Healthy Living. He is married with five children. He is the author of Happiness is a Verb, Win the Game of Life and Like Yourself and Stay Married. Yisroel Roll’s experience as Rabbi, psychotherapist, divorce mediator, and educator, brings a wealth of wisdom and insight to the counseling experience.
Read what Yisroel’s clients are saying about his services.
Yisroel Roll can be reached at yisroelroll@gmail.com and at 410-301-4663.